Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Advice given to me

1. Don't speed, cops are breaking down on even 5-10 mph.
-Well today as I was making the drive to KU a person went past me going about 10 mph over the speed limit. I thought to myself, "I could be going that fast and get there in a much shorter time, however I will be content with going 3 mph over." About ten minutes later I see that a cop has pulled over the same car on the side of the road; I guess I will be getting to my destination faster that him...
2. Confidence with a quite arrogance.
-While our baseball goal might have been helpful on the field, it isn't really helpful in quenching my nervousness for starting research. While I know that Grinnell has prepared me well for doing research, I still have the jitteries going into this summer. I guess sometimes the best way to overcome nervousness is to just put it into the organic waste bottle...

1 comment:

  1. The "jitteries"? You're adorable. And my advice isn't to help you not be nervous, it's to help yo u be confident. Think in the positive. You'll be fine.
