Monday, May 31, 2010


1. Some of the grad students in my lab invited me to lunch today and so we went to Chili's and had a fun time chatting and having a good time with each other.

2. I spent part of the night watching SNL commercials and The Best of Will Ferrell Part 2, both of which are always good for a laugh.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


So I went running tonight after I thought the rain and lightening were over, well it turns out that I was wrong and so I got quite an experience. As I passed the football field I started running through the park and the song "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman started playing on my iPod and I was inspired by these lyrics to sprint through the park and up the flights of stairs.

1. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I’m caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won’t turn back
I know You are near"

I thought this part of the song was perfect timing since I was in a valley in the park, as well as there being rain and lightening all around me. Something about it just gave me pure joy as I ran through the park listening to it.

2. "Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low"

The chorus of the song also was great timing since like the hilly nature of this campus (surprising for Kansas), my emotions have been at highs and lows. While I am extremely excited for this summer and the opportunities, it is also daunting. My first few days were a little rough, but I am reaching the inflexion point in my emotions and I am excited to start synthesizing. Like the beginning of the song says, "And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?..."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Advice given to me

1. Don't speed, cops are breaking down on even 5-10 mph.
-Well today as I was making the drive to KU a person went past me going about 10 mph over the speed limit. I thought to myself, "I could be going that fast and get there in a much shorter time, however I will be content with going 3 mph over." About ten minutes later I see that a cop has pulled over the same car on the side of the road; I guess I will be getting to my destination faster that him...
2. Confidence with a quite arrogance.
-While our baseball goal might have been helpful on the field, it isn't really helpful in quenching my nervousness for starting research. While I know that Grinnell has prepared me well for doing research, I still have the jitteries going into this summer. I guess sometimes the best way to overcome nervousness is to just put it into the organic waste bottle...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting ready in the morning to go get my drivers license renewed now that I am 21!

A picture that I took at Chipotle where I had dinner with my dear friend Scott Dueck.

Two Joys

1. Completion: I finished my last final for Inorganic Chemistry that I had taken an incomplete on due to sickness. I can finally enjoy the rest and peace that comes with summer, however not for too long...

2. Family: Tonight I watched the movie "Old Dogs" with my wonderful parents. While the movie had some funny parts, it also gave me an appreciation for my parents having jobs that allowed them to be involved in my life as a youngster. I love you both, thank you for all the wonderful memories.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What it all means

Well you're probably wondering about the title of this blog, and the truth is it wasn't my idea. My wonderful sister suggested that I make a blog about my life this summer while at KU and since I wouldn't have a lot of time to write that I could do two sentences about my day; I've modified the idea by making it any two "descriptions" of my day, whether sentences, photos, songs, etc...